the last spot

Thursday, March 16, 2006

iPod is the new garlic!

Guess what I got for my birthday? Thanks to my Parental Units I am now the proud owner of an iPod Nano!

Despite being a tech addict since I was very young (family lore has it that my first word was not mommy or daddy, but "Radio!"), I don't think that I've ever been this close to the cutting edge before. The Nano is so small I'm afraid of loosing it constently. Despite black being the new black, I'm glad I got a white one. I think this is the real reason Apple now makes a black version as well, so that they will get repeat sales from everyone who misplaces their tiny black music player, in their stylishly black apartment. On the other hand ninjas have not been able to carry iPods while on a missions for fear of thier glaring white apperance revealing their position to the Enemy. Probelme solved. Conversely, I wonder if the original iPods are disportionally popular with the Inuit?

Following this line of logic, I have hit a upon a market that Apple is needlessly ignoring, dare I say rejecting. If anyone from apple is reading this, I, as someone with more then a keen interest in photography, have in mind a demographic that hangs in the neutral zone between the White Pod and the Black Pod: The Grey Pod. To be more specific, the 18% Grey Pod. Not only will this bring all the fence sitters, and those with aversions to extreme expression into the Apple fold, it will finally allow all photographers (myself included) to stop compensating for the effects of either iPod on ones exposure calculations. If you think I'm a little off the mark, I'd like to advance another little theory of mine: iPods fight the paparazzi.

Have you noticed how celebrities were very quick at adopting the original iPod? For the same reason the iPod is mirrored on the back: To screw up exposures! Wearing a super white chunk of reflective plastic has the same effect on photographers as garlic does on vampires. All that reflected light or super deep black from the iPod screws up the auto-exposure systems that paparazzi are forced to use since they only have seconds in which to snap their victims. Upon checking their "take" after ambushing Ms. Hilton and co., zee paparazi would find all their valuable photos with either massive halo reflections, or a mix of really bright and really dark exposures.

So Apple, for the sake of tabloid readers everywhere, I beg you for an 18% grey iPod! However my favorite sudo fruit company, don't be too hasty in ordering those extra shifts in the factory, I'm not going to be this close to the cutting edge again for a very long time.


  • Heehee, that last sentence contained a Linux pun, and you didn't even know it!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 17, 2006 1:02 AM  

  • with this post, I decree that Rory has been promoted from super geek to uber geek

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 17, 2006 1:56 PM  

  • Everyone is reading your blogs--even Shannon's Granny--I think they're all reading your blog at Emory's St. Patrick's Day party this evening. All my sisters, too! Good fun, keep writing, Can Shannon please create a web blog as well? How's the shoe shop faring these days?


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 18, 2006 8:06 AM  

  • hope you have not lost your ipod at the party--remember those dudes in Zoolander?


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 18, 2006 8:10 AM  

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